19 November 2015

Remembering Indira Gandhi On Her 98th Birth Anniversary 19th November 2015

Remembering Indira Gandhi On Her 98th Birth Anniversary 19th November 2015

I salute the Iron Lady, the strength who generated in Indian politics and brought an earthquake in the whole world and finished the concept of partition of Bharatkhande once for all by declaring Bangladesh in 1971 to the Bengali Muslims who were fed up with Pakistan. She took in custody a mighty Pakistan army numbering 95000.

She gave dignity to the nation by hanging a Kashmiri separatist who have killed many Indian officers in Kashmir. She was an embodiment of Goddess Durga and respected personality the world over. Her birth is a birth which will never take place for 1000 years to come.

Raghubir Lal Anand recalls those days, when Mr. Yashpal Kapoor was a leader of Indian National Congress and a close aide of Indira Gandhi. He was a member of the Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh from 1972 to 1978, those days I used to go P.M. house for some employment etc.

Sorry to note that in media, there is no remembering of Indira Gandhi and DAVP has not given any indication in print media.

P.M. Modi has not said anything on the birth anniversary as it is his sweet will and nobody can force him.

Raghubir Lal Anand joins 125 Crore people of India and whole people of the world over for remembering this remarkable and sacred soul whose birth was a boon for Bharatkhande and world peace.

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