18 November 2015

French Tragedy –13 November 2015 “A Black Friday” For The Whole Civilized World

French Tragedy –13 November 2015 “A Black Friday” For The Whole Civilized World

I pay my deep felt condolences to the people and their families who have died in horrific attack by ISIS. My condolences belongs to whole civilized world and prey Almighty that such incident should never happen for all times to come.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has put before the world that 40 countries are funding ISIS. This is a very serious and meaningful comment on those who are engaged with ISIS. I would not like to name for courtesy sake.

I would suggest France as well as European countries where Muslims are living in large numbers to impose “Zazzia” (tax) which is valid under Islamic laws. This will give identity as well as the tax payers shall have a responsibility towards the county where they live. This will create discipline and respect for the country where they are living.

Raghubir Lal Anand is an ordinary author and belongs to a lower middle class family of Khukhrains (Khokhars) but if I have said anything not liked by the people, I apologies.

The refugees from Syria going to Germany and other European counties should be also roped on this type of discipline so that they may not raise their ugly designs like other Islamists.

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